Inside Passage Electric Cooperative

12480 Mendenhall Loop Road
Juneau, AK 99801
907-789-3196    1-800-478-3198 (toll free)

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IPEC Statement

Inside Passage Electric Cooperative, or IPEC, is a non-profit, consumer owned electric utility serving over 1,300 members in the rural Southeast Alaska communities of Hoonah, Kake, Chilkat Valley, Angoon, and Klukwan.


Inside Passage Electric Cooperative recently announced Brandon Shaw as the co-op’s new CEO/General Manager. Shaw takes over from Jodi Mitchell, who retired after 17 years as the co-op’s CEO. Before his current position, Shaw served more than 10 years as the operations manager for IPEC.

“I look forward to continuing to serve our members and furthering IPEC’s goal of reducing our cooperative’s dependence on diesel fuel for generation,” Shaw said. “In the last 10 years, IPEC has constructed two run-of-river hydro projects, reducing our annual diesel consumption by approximately 200,000 gallons. IPEC plans to begin construction on two more hydro projects as early as spring 2025.”